

Papaya, often called pawpaw is a fruit that was grown by ancient cultures in Mexico, where it is believed to have been originally native to the tropical areas there. Now, papaya is grow all over the world in tropical areas. Papaya's genus or scientific name is carica. The papaya grows on a tree that looks more like a huge plant. The tree can grow over thirty feet tall.

Although eaten as a fruit, papaya has many medicinal properties as well. It has been know to have beneficial gastrointestinal properties. Papaya contains papain which is very similar to some of the digestive enzymes in our own digestive system. Papain, from the papaya is often used as an ingredient in meat tenderizers for these same properties. Papaya has some contraceptive qualities and should be considered if you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant. It has some very unique chemical properties.

The ancient people in mesoamerica have used the papaya for food and as medicine for thousands of years. It was used for a wide range of ailments from skin problems to insect bites. It is used for digestion problems and used as an anti bacterial.

The fruit itself is very susceptible to types of fruit flies and other insects as well as diseases that are particular to papaya. If not for these vulnerabilities, papaya would be a substantial benefit to the food industry.

Papaya is eaten similarly to eating melons with salt and pepper or even sugar. Its delicious!